Another time wasting to Test

Ouu... Yeach.. Solved..

Unlike, which is easier to find soo many plugin to soo many specific purpose, blogger a.k.a blogspot, do not provide "the eazy way"  to set things up, we have to edit directly to the themes file.

"What are you trying to say?"

Well, lately I wanna make all of my post to be immortal posts, you know, the long lasting eternal topic and I think showing the date will make all of my post some kind of old school topic, "ou.. sh*t.. these are my Grammas topics",  I've been working arround in mainly for both private and business.

I rarely use this blogspot and a lot more site hosting provider I asign, including the dot com of wordpress, only in my leasure time:D)

I do like some long lasting things and hopefully this blogger's blog will do too.. :)

in order to maximize that, I think banishing the date of every post you made and the post you will is a must... , and then the adventure of digging the seach engine begin.

after a few times link digging I land to this "How Do I?'s" topic, and these two are enough for me, one from blogger's forum and the other from a blog post, but in the first found I couldn't locate the "in" that mentioned, so I decided to go to test the second, the trics and tips blog.

"Can you straight to the point?", "How to do it?!!", "Stop turning arround!!", "Don't act like and old Lady..!!!"

Ok, Let's go to  

  1. "Layout --> Edit HTML" 
  2.  Click on the "Download Full Template" to back up your template first. (but I didn't do it:D)
  3. Check on the "Expand Widget Templates" check box.
yup, that's it you land to The Templete, of course you have to be login before doing the first step.. LOL..

"What Should I do, here?"

<data:post.dateHeader/> find it and delete.

"And then, What??"

that's all, nothing else if you just want to banish the date, but just the date, the only date.. :D :D

"What about the time?" "Is it gone with the date also?"

As I mentioned before, only the date. To stop the time of the post, you can do it by eliminate this span:
<span class='post-timestamp'>
<b:if cond='data:top.showTimestamp'>
<b:if cond='data:post.url'>
<a class='timestamp-link' expr:href='data:post.url' rel='bookmark' 
title='permanent link'><abbr class='published' 

"That's it?"

yea, the time and the date gone by these two deletion, but if you want more, here:
 <span class='post-author vcard'>
<b:if cond='data:top.showAuthor'>
<span class='fn'><></span>
</span>  to hide away The Post Autor

But the most important thing don't forget to save your change :D :D

"Ouu.. Yeach.. Tell me what the color of the orange is.. ha..!!"

if you are already knew consider this as in case you may forget in future..
Relax, I don't wanna pour a salt into the ocean.. 

one more thing there is easier way to edit that template by utilizing a text editor such as notepad++ or GetDiz, select all and cut or copy to the text editor you choose.. find the keyword and delete them , in line 1600s, 1800s, 2300s, easier, faster, wider work area (by maximizing the window).. :D :D