Another time wasting to Test

Would You Visit Your Site?

  Aside from perhaps a few close friends and family members, no one is going to visit your site simply to help you out on a personal level.  Internet communication is impersonal by nature, so unless you are a bona fide celebrity launching a site, don’t expect a line for admission to your newly opened web space.  Web traffic is earned through value and there is no better way to build value for your site than offering tangible incentives to visitors.

For example, if you run a restaurant and are trying to boost internet orders on your new site, consider offering coupons or discounts that are only available online.  In the event you don’t have a product or service with which you can alter prices to tempt visitors, say you are instead trying to promote a talent or cause driven page, perhaps you know someone or can lure in some similarly minded partners to help provide some sort of small financial or time saving consideration to induce more clicks.  Selling yourself and your ideas to others before establishing your online presence can not only build anticipation for your site but help to bring about important business relationships to provide support across multiple endeavors.

You aren’t in Iowa (well there’s a 49 in 50 chance you aren’t) and this  isn’t the Field of Dreams, simply building a site, no matter how great it is, doesn’t mean people will automatically come.  In order to generate traffic and interest you must in some way improve your visitors quality of life, even if seemingly small in significance.

Written by on November 14th, 2010

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